Drama Club is holding auditions for their fall show "All Together Now" featuring music from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast," "Newsies," "Frozen,""Mary Poppins" and others shows like "Hairspray," "Mamma Mia!," "RENT," "Les Miserables" and more!
Auditions are Monday, Sep.20, and Tuesday, Sep.21 from 2:30 pm-5:00 pm in the auditorium. Sign-ups are available on the piano in Mr. Klementsen's room MC-8. You can also get the Google Classroom code to download and fill out an audition packet.
Everyone is welcome to try out! No previous experience is required!
Roy Klementsen
Marysville-Pilchuck High School Drama/English
Reminder Makeup Pictures are Tomorrow! This is only for students who have NOT yet had their pictures taken. Retakes will be on 11/4/21. See attached for ordering online. ALL students must be pictured for Skyward and their Student ID card.
MPHS Bell Schedule for Mon. - Thurs. and PGF (Fridays)
Have a great day everyone!
Makeup Pictures are Thurs. 9/16/21. This is for students who have NOT yet had their pictures taken only, and Retakes will be on 11/4/21. See attached for ordering online, or pickup in the cashier's office. ALL students must be pictured for their Student ID card and for Skyward.
Link Day Postcard, September 8th for Freshmen only.
Update - Marysville Pilchuck Check In 8/26 & 8/27 - Please note that our first check in flyer had the wrong start time for seniors on Thursday, 8/26. It should be 10:00am. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you! We can't wait to see you all!
Hello Families and Staff! We are looking forward to seeing you at the all-district Back to School Celebration this evening beginning at 5:30 pm at the MPHS campus. Unfortunately, EvCC School of Cosmetology had to cancel providing free haircuts for students due to a positive COVID case, however, staff will be handing out free haircut coupons! NJROTC students will be on hand to assist with parking. See you soon! #WeAreMSD
Hello Graduated Class of 2021…Your pre-paid yearbook distribution will start tomorrow 8/24 from 2pm-4pm…There will be a tent set up near the student parking lot. Please e-mail Hannah Jones with any questions.
Join us for a Back to School Celebration on Tuesday, August 24, 5:00 - 7:30 pm as we kick off the new school year and welcome our students back to school! Free food and beverages, fun activities, information, and resources! Marysville School District staff will be on hand to answer questions, share information, register students, provide resources, and more along with community partners providing resources and information for students and families.
Did you know?
If you or someone you know is a part of Marysville School District and are experiencing homelessness, we are here during the summer! We can help provide basic needs such as food, clothing, shower and laundry while we connect you to local resources.
If you are interested in supporting our Connections Center with new or gently used clothing, food, or monetary donations, please call or text Deanna Bashour @ 360-913-1183, email deanna_bashour@msd25.org or visit https://www.msd25.org/o/District/page/kids-in-transition-mckinney-vento
Hello Class of 2024 and Class of 2025… Please see the attached flyer to RSVP for the NJROTC Summer Orientation Event.
The MPHS Main Office is open thru June 30, 2021. We will reopen to the community on Tuesday, August 24, 2021. Have a great summer!
Due to the extreme heat advisory, the Summer Meals Program curbside grab and go meal service will be limited to the following sites on Monday, June 28, 9:30 am - 10:30 am:
Allen Creek Elementary
Liberty Elementary
We anticipate reopening all sites on Tuesday, June 29 from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, which includes:
Allen Creek Elementary
Grove Elementary
Liberty Elementary
Quil Ceda Tulalip Elementary
Totem Middle School
Please stay safe and stay cool!
June 17
Marysville Pilchuck High School, 7:00 pm, Quil Ceda Stadium
*All graduations will be live-streamed on the Marysville School District's channels. Recordings will live on the MSD Vimeo site:
MOVING UP ASSEMBLY - Students and parents may watch the assembly from the following links:
MPHS's facebook page at:
Marysville School District's Youtube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwkK1wAI6p7JJK3_-ExF2Ng
Marysville School District's Facebook Page at:
Please push those links out to your students, especially to your seniors.
The program for the assembly will go as follows:
Welcome: 5 Minutes
Pledge of Allegiance: 3 Minutes
President’s Promise: 5 minutes
Department Awards: 10-15 minutes
Senior awards, Counselors, and Athletic awards: 15-20 minutes
Super Staff Award: 7 minutes
Heart of MP Award: 2 Minutes
Senior Video
Moving Up: 5 minutes
President’s Recap and dismissal: 5=7 minutes.
Sno County Vaccine Task Force Vaccination Clinic, Saturday, June 12, 4 - 6 pm. Limited time slots still available. Register at bit.ly/C-19Vaccinations. The clinic is open to the public and sponsored by the task force. Youth ages 12 - 17 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Attention MP Tomahawks Grades 9-11:
Your last day of in-person school will be June 16 (A Day students) and June 17 (B Day Students, At-home students). You should bring your Chromebooks, chargers and cases on your last day and turn them in to the library to avoid any fines.
If you are taking summer school classes you will keep your Chromebook until your last day of summer school. Let's make the most of these last two weeks of school!
It's hard to believe that this is the last week of school for our seniors.
Class of '21 will attend school through this Friday, June 11th. On Friday seniors will attend a virtual Moving Up Assembly at 9AM and they will have no live classes that day.
On Monday the 14th and Tuesday the 15th seniors must bring their Chromebooks in to the library, along with cases and cords.
Next Wednesday (June 16th) is Graduation Rehearsal at 9AM. Seniors must attend that rehearsal to participate in graduation on the 17th. They will also get their tickets on Wednesday at rehearsal.
**Note that seniors do not wear a cap and gown to rehearsal. **
This is the final stretch, seniors. Mask up and be safe.
June 3, 2021
Dear Tomahawk Families,
It is with mixed feelings that I share with you today that I am leaving MPHS to assume the principalship at Lake Washington High School. The opportunity to serve and lead in Lake Washington came suddenly and I believe that I can both embrace the challenges of leading at LWHS and at the same time leave MPHS in good hands. On one hand I am very sad to leave MP and my Tomahawk Families, and on the other hand I am so excited for you all and for the possibilities that the future holds for MP. For the past four years I have been a Tomahawk and nothing compares to being a part of this community. MPHS truly has an amazing staff and proud traditions. Our students and the many cultures represented here are the heart and soul of our school and welcoming them back to school has been the highlight of this year.
This summer we will see huge changes in our school. A new ECEAP Preschool Program, complete with a playground and classrooms, is being built on the northside of our campus. This program will allow students in our Careers in Education program to work directly with young children in a school setting and will provide needed resources for the community of Marysville. Marysville Pilchuck will also welcome a new Video Production program with state of the art equipment to help our students develop skills in broadcasting and allow a new way of spreading messages about what makes MPHS so great. Also, our old cafeteria building is going to be demolished this summer and we will begin the processes of planning for district boundaries and feeder patterns. For all of these reasons I feel that our school is primed for a new leader to come in and hit the ground running with a positive pathway forward.
Although I will not be the principal of MPHS, I will remain a parent and an active member of our community. My home has been MP and I want the very best for our families. Also leaving this year is Jeff Ingrum, who is our beloved assistant principal. Mr. Ingrum will be the new principal at Grove Elementary School and they are lucky to have him! Mr. Brian Tinsley will continue on as an assistant principal at MP and will be joined by a familiar face as Mr. Brad Roden joins the staff as our newest assistant principal. Mr. Roden has been a director for Special Education programs in the Marysville School District and you may have had the opportunity to get to know him already in that role. Over the next few weeks the process will be underway to choose a new leader for Marysville Pilchuck. I will work to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible and that your new principal understands just how fortunate they are to have landed at MPHS.
As we head into the summer I want to encourage you to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have. I am readily available by phone or email and am here to help you in any way I can. I understand that changes can bring uncertainty and I want to reassure you that our students and families are our top priority.
It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve this community.
Christine Bell,
Principal, MPHS
It ROCKS to Be a Tomahawk!
You've Gotta LOVE this Place!
Tomahawk parents, students, and alumni:
This Friday, June 4 from 1-3 we will participate in our annual YGLTP event. This is when we beautify our campus. Grab some gloves and a bucket, wear your MP gear and join us as we work together to clean, pull weeds, wash windows and show our campus some love.
Want to help but don't have time? We would accept donations of water, granola bars and gardening gloves in the main office. Thank you!
Please contact Mrs. Bell with any questions: christine_bell@msd25.org
Thanks again for your help!