Pinewood Elementary students honor Indigenous Peoples Day with traditional story telling, song, and drumming from Tulalip Tribal member Lois Langrebe.#WeAreMSD #PinewoodPanthers
Watch students present at
Watch the Berry Bowl live on Tulalip News!!!
REMINDER: Marc Mero Community Event, TONIGHT,
Oct 10 at 7:00 PM at Marysville Pilchuck High School, 5611 108th St NE, Marysville. The event will be held in the auditorium. Note: Some content may not be suitable for younger children (elementary-aged and younger). Parent discretion is advised. This event is sponsored by the Marysville Police Department. Marc Mero, is a former WWE & WWC wrestling champion and inspirational speaker. He has been presenting to middle and high school students this week during scheduled assemblies.
Are you registered to vote? Do you need to update your registration? Visit to get it done quick and easy!
Today, October 2, 2019
5-8pm at Legacy High School (7204 27th Ave NE, Marysville, WA 98271)
Everyone is Welcome!
Happy Rosh Hashanah
"Rosh Hashanah 2019 starts at sundown on Sunday, Sept. 29 and will last through the end of the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 1. The first full day of Rosh Hashanah is on Monday, Sept. 20" BY LISA MARIE SEGARRA of Time Magazine
Learn more at
Volunteer mentors in a quality program can reach at-risk students and inspire their interest in education and attending school regularly. Studies have shown that students who meet regularly with their mentors are 52% less likely than their peers to skip a day of school.
MSD Facility Committee reconvenes to discuss the state of facilities, hear an update on summer facility improvement projects, tour Totem Middle School, and discuss next steps. #MSDCapitalLevy2018 #WeAreMSD
Have the Conversation
Use the #BeThe1To 5 action steps to help someone in your life that might be in crisis. These steps have been proven to help others find hope and support.
Addressing chronic absence is a key component of improving graduation rates, increasing academic achievement and giving young people the best chance at success in their adult life.
Sometimes good attendance is simply a matter of good health: #schooleveryday
Have the Conversation
Use the #BeThe1To 5 action steps to help someone in your life that might be in crisis. These steps have been proven to help others find hope and support.
Join the Attendance Awareness Campaign to end chronic absence! It’s a bigger problem than you probably think. Learn more about chronic absence and join the Attendance Awareness Campaign today!
Quality mentoring can be leveraged as a strategy to improve attendance & academic achievement #schooleveryday
Follow Up
Studies have also shown that brief, low cost intervention and supportive, ongoing contact may be an important part of suicide prevention, especially for individuals after they have been discharged from hospitals or care services.
Chronic absence affects all kids, not just the absent ones. Learn how to get kids in #SchoolEveryDay here:
Free Resources from Search Institute
They have several free resources available to help you apply what they have learned to the children and youth in your life.
Let’s help students build a habit of good attendance early & often: #schooleveryday
Quality mentoring can be leveraged as a strategy to improve attendance & academic achievement #schooleveryday
Help Them Connect
Studies indicate that helping someone at risk create a network of resources and individuals for support and safety can help them take positive action and reduce feelings of hopelessness.