Chronic absence affects all kids, not just the absent ones. Learn how to get kids in #SchoolEveryDay here:
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Let’s help students build a habit of good attendance early & often: #schooleveryday
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Be There Individuals are more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful by after speaking to someone who listens without judgment.
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Quality mentoring can be leveraged as a strategy to improve attendance & academic achievement #schooleveryday
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
A quality #mentoring program strengthens school-wide strategies to boost attendance in #schooleveryday Be a mentor!
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Keep Them Safe A number of studies have indicated that when lethal means are made less available or less deadly, suicide rates by that method decline, and frequently suicide rates overall decline.
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Students who miss too much school score lower on @NAEP_NCES tests in every state and city tested #SchoolEveryDay
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Let’s help students build a habit of good attendance early & often: #schooleveryday
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Ask Research shows people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks after them in a caring way. Findings suggest acknowledging and talking about suicide may reduce suicidal ideation.
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
At least 8 million students miss 10% of the school year nationwide. Let’s help all students be in #SchoolEveryDay
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Have the Conversation Use the #BeThe1To 5 action steps to help someone in your life that might be in crisis. These steps have been proven to help others find hope and support.
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
We are experiencing intermittent phone outages this morning. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Technicians are working to resolve the issue ASAP.
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Welcome to school to all of our Kindergarten students and families! We are so happy to have you join us. Kindergarten is so exciting and a big milestone for our young learners! #WelcometoKindergarten #WeAreMSD
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Kindergarten stock photo
Phone service is restored at schools and the District. Repairs were made last night and all phones are now receiving calls as normal.
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
NOTICE: School and District phone lines currently are not receiving incoming calls. We are working to fix the problem and hope to have it resolved soon.
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Happy Labor Day!
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Happy Labor Day!
School is coming! Are you ready? More info @
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Back-to-school dates
Recently, our first and second year new teachers spent half their day on a bus tour of the community. They made several stops along the way including a visit at City Hall with Mayor Jon Nehring. Preston Dwoskin, former MSD graduate, community and staff member helped to narrate the tour along with Curriculum Director Brynn Marcum and TOSA Lisa Sophie. Our new teachers also had the opportunity to visit The Tulalip Tribes Hibulb museum to learn more about the Tribes’ history and culture, Since Time Immemorial curriculum and the Lushootseed language. What a great opportunity for our teachers to learn about the community that is home to the children and families we serve. #WeAreMSD
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
new teachers
Transportation Center
Preston and team
Find your bus Routes! Do you have questions about your child's bus route? Click on the link below to view all district bus routes based on your neighborhood school.
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Find your bus routes!
Find your bus Routes! Do you have questions about your child's bus route? Click on the link below to view all district bus routes based on your neighborhood school.
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Find your bus routes!