Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow! #SchoolEveryDay
over 1 year ago, Brooke Chubinsky
MP Teacher Appreciation Week - There is still time to sent a positive note to a teacher at MP this week. Just fill out this quick form and we will make sure that they get the message! #ThankYouTeachers
over 1 year ago, Peter Apple
MP Tomahawks Logo
We are looking for our teachers to hear from students, families, and community members who have had a positive impact. Please share your gratitude and we will make sure that it gets to the teacher you want to celebrate.
over 1 year ago, Brooke Chubinsky
Marysville NJROTC Awards night is May 11, 2023, @ MPHS in the auditorium at 6 pm. We will be recognizing 20 seniors and their families, many supporting agencies will be presenting awards & scholarships, promotions, a Change of Command, and making an announcement on Distinguished Unit status. The best part will be watching the instruction team keep things moving along in order to be done by 7:15. There will be a group photo after the event. There is definitely a lot to celebrate! Hope to see you there.
over 1 year ago, Brooke Chubinsky
National MMIW Day: MMIW stands for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. It's a movement that advocates for the end of violence against Native women. It also seeks to draw attention to the high rates of disappearances and murders of Native people, particularly women, and girls.
over 1 year ago, Brooke Chubinsky
Spirit Week is next week - May 8 through May 12. Dress up and show your Tomahawk pride!!!!!
over 1 year ago, Brooke Chubinsky
MP Tomahawk Seniors, Don't forget to purchase your tickets for the Class of 2023 Graduation Party, hosted by the PTSA. Now is the time to celebrate YOU and all your accomplishments. Join other MP seniors for an evening of fun. See Ms. Cimbal today at lunch for tickets and before school tomorrow in the commons.
over 1 year ago, Brooke Chubinsky
The Snohomish County Sheriff's Office will use the Marysville Pilchuck High School pool for rescue diver recertification from 8 am-Noon on Thursday, May 4. There will be multiple law enforcement vehicles on the campus.
over 1 year ago, Marysville School District
Important Notice
We would like to invite all members of the class of 2023 to visit their elementary schools to be honored this year. Show up in your cap and gown at the date and time listed in the attached image. Congratulations to the MP Tomahawks Class of 2023!
over 1 year ago, Peter Apple
Grad Walk Schedule
MPHS Community - 11th Grade WCAS Testing is on Tuesday 5/2/23. All Juniors will test and need to arrive at 7:45 am. Please check your student and guardian email for information including the modified bell schedule.
almost 2 years ago, Peter Apple
Updated Logo
The MSD Board of Directors will meet in a work study session (5:00 pm) and regular session (6:00 pm) on Monday, May 1, 2023, at the Educational Service Center Board Room at 4220 80th Street NE, Marysville. Go to to view the agenda.
almost 2 years ago, Marysville School District
Board of Directors Meeting
Our Tomahawk DECA team returned from their Florida competition today. Our team did very well as they learned from and competed against over 22,000 other DECA members and advisors. Our School-Based Enterprise team was recognized for earning Gold Certification. Thank you for supporting our young leaders.
almost 2 years ago, Brooke Chubinsky
Good morning! We just wanted to take a moment to announce May's Soroptimist Students of the Month: Leah Zugish and Miguel Chavez. Congratulations Leah and Miguel! Thank you MP staff for all of the support and nominations submitted!
almost 2 years ago, Brooke Chubinsky
Good morning MP families! We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for summer school. The 2023 Summer Online Credit Retrieval Program includes in-person tutoring and will be offered at both MP and MG. Click here to register The deadline to sign up is June 9th, so don't wait! Questions? Email: Have a great day and GO TOMAHAWKS :-)
almost 2 years ago, Brooke Chubinsky
Today is bus driver appreciation day and MP students honored our drivers with signs at the fence line and setting up a breakfast for them at the transportation building. Thank you to all of our drivers ... You are amazing!
almost 2 years ago, Peter Apple
Breakfast Photo
Fence Signs
In celebration of our military children, our Purple Up day is this Friday, April 28th, remember to wear purple!
almost 2 years ago, Brooke Chubinsky
You are invited to join the MPHS Music Boosters for an event!
almost 2 years ago, Brooke Chubinsky
Mark your calendars for Friday, April 28th, as we celebrate the Day of the Child at Cascade Elementary School! This district-wide Dia del Niño celebration promises to be a joyous occasion, filled with exciting activities and entertainment for the whole family. The festivities will run from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at 5200 100th St NE, Marysville, WA. We welcome all families to join us in this celebration. Please find attached the event flyer in both English and Spanish.
almost 2 years ago, Brooke Chubinsky
We've teamed up with Everett Community College to provide multiple opportunities for Seniors & Running Start students to get help with applying and registering at EvCC next year! EvCC is the most saved college in Xello for our students (more than double the amount of saves of the next college). More details below: EvCC Admissions Workshop (EvCC Applications, Activate ctcLink Account, Online Orientation, Course Placement, Virtual Entry Advising) Tuesday, May 2nd 12:29pm to 1:27pm LC-3 | Career & College Readiness Center EvCC Admissions Workshop (EvCC Applications, Activate ctcLink Account, Online Orientation, Course Placement, Virtual Entry Advising) Tuesday, May 16th 8:48am to 9:48am LC-3 | Career & College Readiness Center EvCC Admissions Workshop (EvCC Applications, Activate ctcLink Account, Online Orientation, Course Placement, Virtual Entry Advising) Tuesday, May 30th 12:29pm to 1:27pm LC-3 | Career & College Readiness Center
almost 2 years ago, Brooke Chubinsky
Congrats Mr. Hill and MP DECA for making it to the International Career Development Conference in Florida!
almost 2 years ago, Brooke Chubinsky