Bus Routes for In-person Learning https://5il.co/r6du
almost 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Important Family Update for Hybrid and Distance Learning CMS Families, Please check out the family letter linked below. It contains important information regarding the return to in-person learning, as well as what it will look like for those staying with distance learning. We recognize that this is a large amount of information but it is vital you review all the information carefully! https://5il.co/r2p5 Warm regards, CMS Staff
almost 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Meal Information: The last day for meal service delivery for bus routes will be Friday, March 19. Meals for students not returning for in-person learning will still be available at each elementary school Monday - Friday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm (for all grades). Meals will not be provided during spring break (April 5 - 9) but will resume on April 12 at the elementary school sites. The community food bank is open and able to provide meal support where needed.
almost 4 years ago, Marysville School District
Attention 8th Graders! Have you completed your High School Selection Form yet? If not, please complete it by the end of this week. If you don’t select a high school by 3/31, you will be assigned to one. Here is a link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYXsnVKVmbXG2km-JCqVhiufcUIuLYX_P8xBcBMP4BDBYVkg/viewform
almost 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Attention CMS 7th and 8th graders who like drama and comedy: Auditions for Cedarcrest Drama Club’s spring play, “10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse”, will be held this Thursday and Friday, March 4 & 5. This play has been adapted for online performing, and will be pre-recorded for live streamed performances around the beginning of May. Auditions will be held through Zoom this Thursday from 10:00-11:00 am, and Friday from 11:00-12:00. To sign up, please complete the audition form linked here: Audition Form. (Please note: auditions are not open to 6th graders at this point.) After you’ve filled this out, you will receive an email with the Zoom link and detailed instructions. For more information, please email Mr. Oke at darren_oke@msvl.k12.wa.us.
almost 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
February Parent Bootcamp Series Please click the link below to view the series of classes offered to parents for the month of February. https://5il.co/ozf4
about 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Study Club Starting tomorrow, Wednesday 1/20, we will hold a zoom Study Club from 3-5pm. This Study Club zoom open to students of all grades who need help in any class. The staff hosting this weekly study club will be: Jenevive DeLazzari, Brandon Kloes and Kacee Kukull. The zoom link for Wednesday Study Club is: https://msd25.zoom.us/j/85651558838?pwd=VytzWGRKOWtmbDFBYVpmUVc0UVRlZz09
about 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Please click the link below for a message from Cedarcrest Middle School Principal, Russ Wilsterman. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fPd4JBKNiSQf1MA8xDvG-nEZG6ZKo2rI/view?usp=sharing Thank you, Cedarcrest Staff
about 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Thank you, AVID Families for a Family Feud Fun night that was also on the topic of Organization! From: Ms. Kukull, Mrs. Delazzari, and Mrs. Taimanglo
about 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Family Engagement Sessions Thank you to everyone that was able to attend our afternoon or evening family engagement informational sessions! If you were unable to attend, below are links to a recording of each grade level presentation. 6th Grade: https://bit.ly/2JhfMqM 7th Grade: https://bit.ly/379EjGd 8th Grade: https://bit.ly/3nWxKh3 Warm regards, CMS Staff
about 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Family Engagement Week Schedule November 19-25 Asynchronous Classes (No Zoom sessions) Family Engagement Sessions: 7th grade 11/23 Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://msd25.zoom.us/j/88665530678?pwd=ZWllRnlVdkVGcVZEK2VFdUZaN0M4QT09 Passcode: 233892 8th grade 11/24 Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://msd25.zoom.us/j/82804641422?pwd=Q1ZJUjE5aklCOGkxMXk2NXhYdjNKdz09 Passcode: 414758 Additional sessions for Students with an IEP will be scheduled for 11/23 1-2pm and 11/24 1-2pm Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://msd25.zoom.us/j/88374957626?pwd=d3NndHJGMlkvSFJST3dlZ0dRWHByUT09 Passcode: 475363 November 26-27 No School-Thanksgiving Break
about 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
PTSA Fall Announcements
about 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Please join us for Family Engagement Sessions on the following days: 6th grade 11/19 from 2-3pm or 6-7pm 7th grade 11/23 from 2-3pm or 6-7pm 8th grade 11/24 from 2-3pm or 6-7pm Families will be receiving an email later today with Zoom links. (links are not listed in photos below) Family engagement week is November 19-25. Family Engagement week will take the place of our traditional Fall Conferences this year. There will be no zoom classes on November 19-25, however, students will still be required to fill out attendance forms in the Google classroom for each class, each day. These days will be Asynchronous learning days, which means students will complete their class work independently.
over 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
fam eng
fam eng
This is available to all families every Friday.
over 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
There will be no school or distance learning on Wednesday, November 11th.
over 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Donate your new or gently used shoes and support CMS PTSA!
over 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
The coveted Cedarcrest Games commence Friday 10/30 during T-wolf Advisory from 9:00-9:30. Must be present to win! Check out our newsletter for more information. https://bit.ly/3kFzhaj
over 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Thank you, AVID Family!
over 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Reflections Art Contest Do you love to draw or paint? Do you have a story to tell? Is music your preferred art form? If so, the PTSA Reflections Art contest is looking for you! Details with the rules and entry form are on the attached flyer. We look forward to showcasing your artistic talents with the theme "I Matter Because..." https://5il.co/mkhw
over 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School