Effective Monday, October 11, 2021, report COVID-19 symptoms or COVID-positive close contact using the new MSD Health and Symptom Reporting Form for all schools and sites for students, employees, and visitors. Scan the QR code or go to https://bit.ly/MSDHealthReportingForm2021 If you or your child is experiencing symptoms or not feeling well in general, stay home and report symptoms using the form.
over 3 years ago, Marysville School District
Health and Symptom Reporting Form
Nominations are now being accepted for the Highly Capable Program for the 2022 - 2023 school year. All Kindergarten students will automatically be tested this coming January. If you wish to have your child tested and they are in grade 1 - 8, please fill out the nomination form and turn it in to your child's school no later than October 29, 2021. Nominations received after the October 29 deadline will not be accepted. You can access the form on the Highly Capable webpage at https://www.msd25.org/page/highly-capable-program or click on the link below. You may also obtain a form from your child's school. Testing will take place in December for grades 1-8.
over 3 years ago, Marysville School District
Highly Capable Program
Cedarcrest Family Information Night October 6th 6-7 pm Join Zoom Meeting https://msd25.zoom.us/j/86556405981?pwd=V0lrMGV1NUtjN093eUhPNU4vYUxsZz09 Meeting ID: 865 5640 5981 Passcode: 771333
over 3 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
October lunch menu **Menu is dependent upon product availabilty** https://5il.co/zwfw
over 3 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Cedarcrest MS Picture Day is Right Around the Corner... Students will be photographed by O'Connor Photography Studio for their student ID card and school record on September 30th. If you would like to purchase your student's portraits, click below to pre-order their portraits today! https://vando.imagequix.com/g1000882826#login You can also purchase by visiting our website at: www.oconnorphotographystudio.com If you have any questions or need assistance please give our studio a call at 1-800-993-4929
over 3 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
From our Kitchen Staff: Throughout the 21-22 School Year all students receive FREE LUNCH and FREE BREAKFAST. Lunch consists of an Entrée including Pizza, Nachos, Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers, Spicy Chicken Burgers, Chickenburgers, Sandwiches and Salads plus Fruit, Veggies, Juice and Milk. Breakfast is served from 7:45-8:10 and includes a variety of Cereals, Muffins, Frudels, Pancakes, French Toast, Bagels, Fruit Parfaits, String Cheese, Graham Crackers, Fresh Fruits and Milk. We also will have a Snack Room that will have a variety of approved snacks available for purchase. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Attention Cedarcrest Families: *NEW* Traffic Route -Please plan for time/delays while we adjust- Please note the immediate change to our traffic routes; this change will begin Monday, September 13th during our morning drop-off and continue into afternoon pick-up. -Parent drop-off and pick-up will now be located where the bus loading was previously, in the main Front Courtyard. -SpEd and HiCap bus riders will be loaded where the parent loading was previously. -Bus loading will be located on the South end of the school, behind the cafeteria. We know this may cause some confusion and inconvenience initially, so we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. We have been working tirelessly to ensure our students safety is at the forefront of our plans, in addition to working with our District Safety Director for ongoing support. Thank you, CMS Admin
over 3 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Cedarcrest Fall Sports will begin on September 8. Coed Football Girls Softball Coed Cross Country
over 3 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Hello Families and Staff! We are looking forward to seeing you at the all-district Back to School Celebration this evening beginning at 5:30 pm at the MPHS campus. Unfortunately, EvCC School of Cosmetology had to cancel providing free haircuts for students due to a positive COVID case, however, staff will be handing out free haircut coupons! NJROTC students will be on hand to assist with parking. See you soon! #WeAreMSD
over 3 years ago, Marysville School District
Cedarcrest Middle School 2021-2022 School Supply List One Three Ring Binder - D Ring - 2 Inches 6 Dividers 4 Composition Books (100 pages College Ruled) Pencil pouch Pencils Pens Highlighters Colored Pencils Recommended: Backpack with a protective sleeve for Chromebook Earbuds for Chromebooks Pencil Top Erasers Small Handheld Pencil Sharpener A TI - 30xA or comparable calculator Shirt and Shorts/sweats to be worn for PE Athletic Sneakers and gym socks Students may need additional supplies for elective classes.
over 3 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Did you know? If you or someone you know is a part of Marysville School District and are experiencing homelessness, we are here during the summer! We can help provide basic needs such as food, clothing, shower and laundry while we connect you to local resources. If you are interested in supporting our Connections Center with new or gently used clothing, food, or monetary donations, please call or text Deanna Bashour @ 360-913-1183, email deanna_bashour@msd25.org or visit https://www.msd25.org/o/District/page/kids-in-transition-mckinney-vento
over 3 years ago, Marysville School District
Connections Center
Due to the extreme heat advisory, the Summer Meals Program curbside grab and go meal service will be limited to the following sites on Monday, June 28, 9:30 am - 10:30 am: Allen Creek Elementary Liberty Elementary We anticipate reopening all sites on Tuesday, June 29 from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, which includes: Allen Creek Elementary Grove Elementary Liberty Elementary Quil Ceda Tulalip Elementary Totem Middle School Please stay safe and stay cool!
over 3 years ago, Marysville School District
Important Notice
Sno County Vaccine Task Force Vaccination Clinic, Saturday, June 12, 4 - 6 pm. Limited time slots still available. Register at bit.ly/C-19Vaccinations. The clinic is open to the public and sponsored by the task force. Youth ages 12 - 17 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
over 3 years ago, Marysville School District
COVID Vaccine
Filing window for school board seats ends May 21: Individuals interested in running for a school board seat during the November 2021 election must submit their intent to the Snohomish County Elections Office during the May 17 - 21, 2021 filing window. The following seats are open for either a 4-year or 2-year term for any citizen residing in each of the Director District areas: District Director 1: 4-year term District Director 3: (Current open seat) 2-year term, the successfully appointed director will need to file to maintain seat if interested. District Director 4: 4-year term District Director 5: 2-year term Residency in Director areas may be confirmed by calling the Snohomish County Elections office at (425) 388-3444. The Snohomish County Elections office provides resources for those interested in serving including a Candidate Guide and Filing for Office webpage. Go to www.msd25.org/Board of Directors to view maps of the Director areas and to view additional resources. For more information, contact Toni Bartley, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent at (360) 965-0001 or email toni_bartley@msd25.org.
over 3 years ago, Marysville School District
Summer Meals - Grab & Go Monday - Friday June 22 - August 13 No Meal Service July 2 & 5 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Allen Creek Elementary Grove Elementary Cascade Elementary Liberty Elementary Shoultes Elementary *Quil Ceda Tulalip Elementary *Totem Middle School A grab and go breakfast and lunch will be provided and ready for pick up at the above locations. All meals are Free for kids 18 and under. Your child does not need to be enrolled in school to participate. Parents and guardians may pick up meals without the child present. *Last day for meal service will be July 22 Should you have any questions please contact 360.965.0094
almost 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Cedarcrest Students and Families: Here is the NEW link to see CMS Drama's play, "10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse!" https://www.broadwayondemand.com/series/ockESglnuaN1-10-ways-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse--cedarcrest-middle-school Our play is available "on demand" for 48 hours only, on Thursday & Friday of this week! Please click on this link any time on those two days, create a login (click the 3 lines in the upper left corner), and enjoy this 35-minute long comedy play. And by the way, it is FREE! Cedarcrest Drama Dept. hopes this show gives you some good laughs...and also teaches you what to do (and what not to do) if zombies ever take over the earth!
almost 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Msvl. WA - Marysville School District No. 25 will host its Native American Education Program yearly public hearing review for the 2021 - 2022 Title VI Grant on May 6, 2021, at 4:00 pm. The meeting will be held via Zoom. Interested parties please contact Karla Wright at karla_wright@msd25.org and a Zoom link will be sent.
almost 4 years ago, Marysville School District
April 19 - 23 is Public School Volunteer Week. We thank our dedicated parent volunteers and honor their contributions to our schools. From donating time to assisting with classroom and school activities, parent volunteers play an important role in our schools. When schools and families work together to support learning, everyone benefits. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Marysville School District
Public School Volunteer Week
Good Afternoon, Cedarcrest Families! We are so excited for the return to in-person learning through a hybrid model. In this message, you will find important information regarding what hybrid learning and continued distance learning will look like at Cedarcrest This week: 6th graders will return to school on either April 14 OR April 15 for 6th grade orientation. (They will only attend ONE of these orientation days, based upon their cohort group). Cohort HMW (Hybrid Monday/Wednesday) - Students will attend Wednesday, April 14th from 9:50-2pm, lunch will be provided Cohort HTT (Hybrid Tuesday/Thursday) - Students will attend Thursday, April 15th from 9:50-2pm, lunch will be provided On Fridays starting, April 16th through the end of the school year, all students will attend Office Hours from 8:00-9:30am, and TWolf check-in, required Zoom from 9:30 - 10:00am. Next Week: If your student is scheduled for Cohort HMW (Hybrid Monday/Wednesday), in-person classes for this group will begin April 19th from 9:50 - 2:00pm. If your student is scheduled for Cohort HTT (Hybrid Tuesday/Thursday), in-person classes for this group will begin April 20th from 9:50 - 2:00pm. Upon arrival to school, each grade level will have their own entry point screening point where they will receive a Grab and Go lunch: 6th grade - Front of the school (north side) by room 108 7th grade - Foyer double doors (directly under the wolf mural) on the side of the gym 8th grade - Hallway double doors by room 101 Schedules and Bus Routes: Please click the link below to access the Cedarcrest Bus Routes to find your pick up and drop off times. https://5il.co/r6du Please click the link below to access the Hybrid Bell Schedule https://5il.co/r6ek Please click the link below to access the CMS Family Information Letter https://5il.co/r2p5 Please click the link below to access the Required Weekly Health Screening Form Please be sure to complete the required Health Screener prior to sending your student to school each week. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnub1bce-Xsd7_7ffokF6r-JCztiutI3AClVNg7QBOykxoAQ/viewform Please contact the office at 360-965-0700 with any questions. Thank you, CMS Staff
almost 4 years ago, Cedarcrest Middle School
Are you couch-surfing, or doubled-up at a friend or family’s house? We might be able to offer you some supports for school-related needs, including food and clothing. Call or text 360-913-1183 or https://www.msd25.org/o/District/page/kids-in-transition-mckinney-vento
almost 4 years ago, Marysville School District
Connections Center