Shoultes PTSA presents: Easter Egg Hunt. Saturday, April 16 at Shoultes playfeild. The hunt starts at 11:30am. See attached flyer for details.

Tonight, April 4, is the night! MP vs. MG fastpitch softball league game under the lights at Cedar Field! Game time is 7:00 pm. Grove Elementary student and Marysville Little League player, Ellie Petermeyer, will throw out the first pitch. Go teams! Thank you to the Marysville and Tulalip voters who make these athletic events possible for students! #WeAreMSD

Shoultes Shark April Newsletter: https://5il.co/17zqa

March is the beginning of kindergarten registration. The attached flyer gives dates and times for each elementary school March into Kindergarten event. Shoultes is hosting our March into Kindergarten event on Tuesday, March 29th from 1:30-5pm.

Parents and Guardians: Please participate in the District's Spring Survey between now and March 25. Go to surveys.panoramaed.com/marysvillewa/famspring22
Thank you!

Two Shoultes reminders: no school tomorrow and Monday. Also, *BLUE TUESDAY* ... Wear BLUE for *Tuesday 2-22-22*

Hello Shoultes families. Please mark your calendar: NO SCHOOL Friday 2/18 and Monday 2/21.

Shoultes Spirit-wear is now available. Shoultes PTSA has partnered with Action Sports to offer spirit-wear anytime. Action Sports will have the Shoultes page available for orders anytime and have the items delivered to your home. Start your order today.

Remember to Vote! Ballots are due by Tuesday, February 8 at 8pm. Outdoor drop boxes are located at City Hall on State Ave., Grove Elementary School, and at the Tulalip Tribes Youth Center. Ballots can also be mailed - no postage needed. For more information, go to https://www.msd25.org/page/levy-and-capital-levy-2022 Thank you!

Early release schedule for grading the week of January 24-28.
Monday 1/24- 9:20-3:35 regular school hours
Tuesday 1/25 - 9:20-12:30 early release
Wednesday 1/26 -9:20-12:30 early release
Thursday 1/27 - 9:20-12:30 early release
Friday 1/28 - NO SCHOOL Teacher Grading

Shoultes reminder that Monday, January 17 is NO SCHOOL for observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. day. We will resume classes on Tuesday, January 18th. We also want to remind parents to keep students home if they are not feeling well and report Covid-19 symptoms by filling out the Health Reporting form.

Hello Shoultes families. Reminder: report absences by calling our school attendance voicemail line: 360-965-1401. When your child is experiencing covid-like symptoms, a positive case, OR a known covid-exposure, please fill out the MSD Covid-19 health/symptom reporting form: https://bit.ly/MSDHealthReportingForm2021 This will help the MSD Covid Response Team review the duration of symptoms and plan a return-to-class date. And lastly, if your child has missed school due to an appointment (medical, dental, or behavioral), please provide a letter from the doctor or clinician upon return to school. Thank you.

Early Release Friday, December 17 at 12:30pm.. Winter Break is from December 18-January 2. Shoultes will see you back on January 3, 2022.

The Connections Center, funded by the McKinney-Vento Trust to help unhoused students and families, is holding a Drive-Thru Donation Event from November 29 - December 3, 7am - 4pm each day and until 6pm on December 1. The event will be held at the Educational Service Center, 4220 80th Street NE at the Connections Center. Directional signage will be posted to show the drop-off area.

REMINDER: School is in session on Wednesday, November 24 for students in grades K - 12 following the half-day early dismissal schedule. There is no school for students in Preschool on Wednesday and no school Thursday and Friday for all students grades Pre - 12. Enjoy the short break and stay safe and healthy!

Shoultes early release Wednesday, November 24 is at 12:30pm. O'Connor retakes are Tuesday, November 30. Please have your student bring back their picture packet. New students and absent students come prepared for picture day. Fund Raiser pick up is Wednesday, December 1st from 2:30-6pm under the Shoultes covered area.
Have a wonderful long weekend.

Shoultes [New] Sock Drive:
Nov. 17 - Dec. 7
PTSA is offering prizes for the top three classes:
1st Prize= Class Pizza Party under the covered area!
2nd Prize= Class Donut Party!
3rd Prize= Class Popcorn Party!
Shoultes [Nuevo] Sock Drive:
17 de noviembre - 7 de diciembre
PTSA está ofreciendo premios para las tres clases principales:
1er premio = ¡Fiesta de pizza de clase bajo el área cubierta!
2do premio = ¡Fiesta de donas de clase!
3er premio = ¡Fiesta de palomitas de maíz de clase!