November Breakfast and Lunch Menu.

Thank you to Shoultes PTSA for making the Halloween Drive-Thru fun for all of our families.

Shoultes November Newsletter.

Shoultes PTSA presents, Thursday, October 29, Drive-Thru Trick or Treat. Please stay in your cars when you arrive at Shoultes's front parking area. Volunteers with face mask and social distancing will distribute treats. Please see the attached flyer for your time to arrive.

Did you purchase a 2019/2020 yearbook? We have yearbooks available in the Shoultes office for pick up. If you have not picked up your yearbook come by during office hours 8am-3:30pm.

Shoultes Elementary PTSA Fall fundraiser started October 7th. The fundraiser runs until October 21. Register your student at: GWRCFUNDRAISING.COM. School Id: SHLH0002N. Thank you for your support.

21st Century Newsletter.

October 2020 lunch menu.

Shoultes reminder about deadline for Highly Capable Nomination Deadline for 2021/2022. Applications need to be received by October 30, 2020. Contact the office at 360-965-1400 for additional information and applications.

October 2020 begins the 6th annual Unity and Wellness month. The calendar from Tulalip Marysville gives great ideas to promote unity and wellness during this stressful time. Post the calendar on your refrigerator and follow along.

Attention Shoultes Parents:
Dear Parents, there is still time to participate in our Fall Fundraiser!
Start Date: October 7th
End Date: October 21st
Our School ID: SHLH0002N
Click here to see our exciting prize program! JAWSOME Prizes
Click here to view our Fundraiser Kick Off Video: https://youtu.be/yR6ncFaWSTA
Click here to register your student: REGISTER.GWRCFUNDRAISING.COM

Shoultes October Newsletter

https://tinyurl.com/21stfalls -Spanish
http://tinyurl.com/21stfall -English
21st Century links for signing up.

Good News! Free Meals Program Extended
The USDA recently passed a waiver to extend the free meals program into the fall. This extension means that our school district will be able to continue to provide free meals for all children ages 1 - 18 and those enrolled in our online and 18 - 21-year old programs. This good news significantly impacts our program and the ways we can provide meal services for children. We had recently shared that the free meal program had ended and adjusted the way that meals would be available. With the new extension, we are now working on developing our meal distribution procedure for the start of school and into the fall. It will be different from the spring and the summer in some ways, but most importantly, we will be able to continue to provide free meals for children. Please stay tuned for more information in the coming days.

Reminder: Virtual Community Town Hall Meeting tonight, starting at 6pm, regarding Continuous Learning 2.0. Click the link to access ZOOM invitation: https://www.msd25.org/article/294642?org=shoultes-elementary-school

Hello Shoultes Sharks and welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! Here is our Beep & Greet/Welcome Back information flyer: https://5il.co/kat7. We look forward to seeing you soon. Go Sharks!

Marysville School District Continuous Learning 2.0 Plan and options for starting school in remote (online) learning on September 9. Click on links to learn more: English: https://5il.co/k21f Spanish: https://5il.co/k21g #MSDTogether

Our primary considerations for developing a Continuous Learning 2.0 plan that engages our staff and community to meet the instructional and social-emotional needs of each student in a safe and supportive way:
High-Quality Instruction

Shoultes yearbooks have arrived. The purchased yearbooks will be available for pickup on Wednesday, July 8th from 1pm - 3pm in the Shoultes gym.