Welcome Back Pinewood Students

August 29, 2022

Pinewood Students and Families,

We are happy to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year! We are looking forward to
a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest
potential. We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need
support from both the home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will
make a great difference in your child’s education.
We have been preparing our school and classrooms as we anticipate the arrival of our
wonderful students and families! We are getting ready for a great beginning to our new
school year. As your new principal and assistant principal, we can’t wait to see you!
Below you will find some information to help you prepare.
Tuesday, August 30th-Pinewood Open House: 5:00 and 6:30pm. We’ll be in the
gym! Check in to receive your teacher’s name, visit your new classroom and teacher
and meet your other wonderful teachers and staff as well as Principal Velasco and
Assistant Principal Jackson.
Thursday, September 1:  First student day for 1st-5th grades
Wednesday, September 7:  First day of Kindergarten
Daily Schedule:
9:10: car rider & bus unloading begins and cafeteria opens for breakfast
Monday-Thursday 9:25: student day begins 3:45: dismissal
Friday- 2:15 early dismissal

Car Riders and Walkers Drop off and Pick Up Procedure

Dear Families,
We care about our families and students and keeping everyone safe. Please use the
below map to follow the flow of traffic safely when dropping off or picking up your
student(s). In the morning you can drop off at the northeast corner of the gym where
one of our staff will greet you and your student. All students will exit from the passenger
side onto the sidewalk. In the afternoon you will pull forward to the under-covered area
where your student(s) will be safely behind the fence waiting for you. Our paraeducators
will be watching and calling your student(s) up prior to your arrival. Kindergartners and
their siblings will be picked up in the north side parking lot. To expedite your pickup. It is
important that you also…

● Respect the speed limit, 5 mph
● Put cell phones down
● Model patience, respect and flexibility
● Stay in your vehicle 

See map below:

1. Be consistent in your procedures for student pick up:
a. Bus
b. Walking with pick up at the south gate
c. Walking/Escorting to vehicle in the north parking lot
d. Pick up in north parking lot via vehicle
2. Ask your students to meet you at a designated spot and to meet their siblings there
as well. They cannot go to their sibling’s classroom.
● No change has occurred. Your student(s) will continue to be escorted to the loading
zone and monitored by a paraeducator.
South Parking Lot:
● If you walk to Pinewood and are meeting your student(s) on the south side near the
bus loop, we ask that you simply wait outside the gate and not enter campus. A
teacher will walk your student(s) out to you.
● Do NOT pick up students via your vehicle on the south side of the building near the
bus loop. Having students walk out to your car on the south side is highly
discouraged as it is not safe for your student to be crossing 84th Street
North Parking Lot Families Walking or Exiting Vehicle:
● Wait in front of the office, outside the fenced area, and not going past the “wait here
signs” so that our teachers can walk their students out safely.
● Do NOT enter campus even after the bell rings. The bottleneck that is occurring on
the walkway between the K-Building and the multi-purpose building is confusing our
youngest students and blocking visual access for our teachers. Please let your
student come to you.
North Parking Lot Families Driving In:
● If you are driving into the north lot to pick your student(s) up, do not block the
residential driveways. Some neighbors have medical needs and may need to exit
● Have your student(s) get into the car from the passenger side. This is not only faster,
but safer.
● Drive all the way up to the under-covered area. Students will not be allowed to enter
waiting cars further down the line or in the side parking lot. Left turns from the side
parking lot will no longer be allowed. This is to increase traffic flow and, again, to
maintain security (i.e., we can see what car students enter and because students are
waiting behind the fence under the covered area there is no opportunity for a
car-pedestrian accident.)
● Talk to your student(s) about going directly to the pick-up area after school and
watching for you so they are ready when you drive up. If your student is not at the
parent pick up location, the under-covered area, or does not respond when the para
calls for them, then you will be asked to loop around, no exceptions.
Also, for the safety of our students, and even though we love dogs, they are not allowed
on campus at arrival, during school hours, or during pick up. If you are on school
grounds before or after student hours, know that there is a dog-leash ordinance that
Marysville Police Department strongly enforces. We do not wish unnecessary fines on
We thank you for your partnership in making sure each student is learning until the last
moment and in helping us keep each student safe. If you have any questions, please
call the front office at 360. 965.1300. The office staff, including administration, is always
available to you. We are “Better Together”!

Erika Velasco
Pinewood Principal
Cassandra Jackson
Pinewood Assistant Principal