Student Schedule For Final Days Of School

Hello Pinewood Families,

The end of the year is approaching quickly.  Below is the  student schedule for the final days of school.

AM Students will bring classroom books, library books, and Chromebooks to school to return during school on Wednesday, June 16.

 PM Students bring classroom books, library books, and Chromebooks to school to return during school on Thursday, June 17.

CL2.0 drop off classroom books, library books, and Chromebooks to the library (masks required) on Friday, June 18, between 12:00 – 3:00 pm. (If you cannot do so on Friday, then Thursday, June 17, is an option from 1:00 to 3:00; however, there will be lines as this is when our PM students are returning items.)

 If you cannot make these dates, drop your Chromebook off at the district office. Thank you!

 Hybrid Student Schedule for Final Days of School

June 14 – Both AM/PM students follow normal schedule

June 15 – Both AM/PM students follow normal schedule

June 16 – AM students are on campus, 8:30 to 11:00, and PM students are asynchronous all day

June 17 – PM students are on campus, 1:00 to 3:30, and AM students are asynchronous all day

June 18 – All students are asynchronous

June 21 – All students are asynchronous

 CL2.0 Student Schedule for Final Days of School

June 14 through June 17 – students follow normal schedule (check in with your teacher about small groups)

June 18 – All students are asynchronous

June 21 – All students are asynchronous