Learning Focus/Cell Phone Policy

August 25, 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian of Marysville Pilchuck High School Student,


I am writing to let you know about an important school policy change starting this upcoming school year (2019 – 2020). Starting September 4, 2019, all MPHS classrooms will be cell-phone free zones. This means that all cell-phones should remain in off or in silent mode, and in your student’s backpack or in a teacher provided storage location for the entire class period in all classes.


This is a change from previous years when teachers set individual policies within their classrooms. Students will have a consistently worded cell-phone free policy in their student handbooks which will be available on the school website. This information will be provided to students when we return from summer break.


As a technology forward school, MPHS staff want to help teach and promote appropriate digital citizenship. Our school staff have overwhelmingly agreed that a consistent and school wide policy to bar cell-phone use during class time will help students stay more present and engaged in their learning.


The intent of this policy is to support our students’ academic success by removing a major temptation and distraction, and promoting face to face social interaction and connection. Teachers have repeatedly observed that a cell-phone on a desk, even when in use as a research tool, is still too tempting a distraction. When a cell-phone rings or buzzes, the minds of even the most focused of students wander away. Studies tell us that it can take up to ten minutes to re-engage after responding to a cell-phone distraction. Phones are not only a distraction for their owners in the classroom, but cell-phones can also be a distraction for teachers and classmates as well.


For parents/guardians, we ask that you please help to promote this policy by restricting phone contact with your student to before or after school, during passing periods or during lunch, when cell-phone use will be allowed. We ask that families and students use the main office when communicating messages from home or school.


If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact me.



Christine Bromley

Principal, Marysville Pilchuck High School

 Marysville Pilchuck High School Cell Phones & Electronic Policy:


Marysville Pilchuck High School recognizes the importance of communication and collaboration, and provides devices (Chromebooks) for all students to be productive in the classroom. To keep the focus on academics and to reduce unnecessary distractions, the school will enforce the following effective September 4, 2019.

All personal electronics – including cell phones - need to be turned off and out of sight during class time and in all offices. Cell phones can be used for educational purposes only with prior permission from the teacher. If cell phones are seen, they will be confiscated and kept until the end of the period, the end of the day, or until a parent or guardian has a conference with the administration.


  • Technology must not distract from the learning environment.

  • Misuse of cell phones will result in confiscation in any classroom

  • Teachers reserve the right to tell students to put away any technology (including school-issued chromebooks) they deem to be distracting in the classroom.

  • Teachers may confiscate students’ cell phones and return them at the end of the period, or turn them into the office for students to retrieve at the end of the day. In this case security and/or administration will send an email home to parents reminding them of the policy.

  •  If a student continues to violate the policy, their cell phone will be confiscated and may only be retrieved by the parent/guardian at the end of the day.

  • Students may not wear headphones unless given permission by a teacher to complete an academic task.

  •  If students have an emergency and need to use a phone they may come to the Main Office to do so.



  • First Offense: Students who "forget" are warned the first time.

  • Second Offense: The teacher will confiscate the device and return at the end of the period.

  • Third Offense: The device will be taken to the front office for the remainder of the day and may be picked up when a student is ready to leave school.

  • Fourth Offense: The device will be taken to the front office and must be picked up by a parent/guardian.

  • After the fourth offense, the device will be taken to the front office and a meeting will be set up which may result in the device being required to be left in the front office daily.

  • Students who do not follow teacher directives will be acting in defiance which could result in a disciplinary referral.