October 2021 

Hi Charger Seniors and Guardians! 

A friendly reminder, my name is Alicia Coragiulo (Ms. C) and I am your Career & College Readiness Counselor. 


I have had the pleasure of introducing myself to nearly all of you by visiting your classes and at your senior class meeting. If you have not yet met me, please reach out and say hi! My office is located in C214 (I’ve moved) and my door is (almost) always open! 

Students, please take a moment to add yourself to my Google Classroom [class code: pvwblss]. Here you will find an array of helpful information, topics including upcoming college rep, career, and recruiter visits, scholarship opportunities, financial aid information, and much more!

Additionally, I wanted to share some great opportunities with you:

Please join us at one of two virtual financial aid events on Thursday, October 21st or Tuesday, October 26th to learn more about the financial aid process, FAFSA, WASFA, the FSA ID, and receive assistance with completing your student’s financial aid application. 

If you are unable to attend one of these two events listed above, the College Success Foundation is hosting a variety of Financial Aid Student and Family Webinars this school year with a FAFSA/WASFA Webinar scheduled in English on October 5th and 19th and in Spanish on October 7th and 21st. 

Please make sure you are staying up to date on all emails and posts to the classroom from me. You won’t want to miss out! As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions or if there is anything I can assist you with!

Make it a great day the Charger way!

Thank you,

Alicia Coragiulo, MSW 

[Pronouns: she, her, hers]

Career & College Readiness Counselor
