Dear seniors and parent/guardian(s),

Please see the links below for the Graduation Awards offered by the Assistance League of Everett. 

The Graduation Award provides funds to eligible students to help meet the extra expenses incurred during their senior year. Awards are open to all eligible high school seniors (criteria attached). Recipients of the award will be selected by the Assistance League Graduation Awards Committee and will be solely based on the information supplied from the completed application forms. Please be sure to include complete and accurate information. 

All applications are due to Ms. Coragiulo, Career and College Readiness Counselor, by end of day Friday, February 26, 2021, to allow for an appropriate time to collect required school staff signatures. Ms. Coragiulo will provide all applications to the Assistance League.

I am looking forward to receiving your applications.

Please let me know if you have any questions or are in need of assistance.

Assistant League of Everett Letter
Graduation Award Application
Graduation Award Criteria

Thank you,
Alicia Coragiulo, MSW 
[Pronouns: she, her, hers]
Career & College Readiness Counselor
MSD - Career & College Readiness Google Classroom 
[class code: pvwblss]
Marysville Getchell High School
Marysville-Pilchuck High School
Marysville School District No. 25
Engage. Inspire. Prepare.