MSD FAFSA Application Nights
Marysville School District FAFSA Application Nights

Seniors and Parents/Guardians:

We are hosting Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Application Nights at the 3 locations below. Please choose one that is convenient for your family and plan to attend one of these evenings. We will have support at each location from Admissions Counselors from EvCC as well as other local college Reps.

We will also have Spanish and Ukrainian/Russian interpreters on site for help.

Please bring your charged chromebook/laptop though we will have computer labs available as well.


Wednesday October 17        Marysville Mountain View Arts & Tech High School

                                                       Commons/Computer Lab

                                                       6:00 pm– 7:30 pm

Thursday October 18           Marysville Getchell High School    

                                                      C 113 Computer Lab (Bldg w/gold panels in NW corner by football field)

                                                      5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Tuesday October 30            Marysville Pilchuck High School

                                                      BE-5 (Mrs. Robert’s room)

                                                      5:00 pm – 7:00 pm


Questions? Please contact  CTE Career & College Readiness Counselors:   or