December 3, 2019
During the month of October, Ron Chapin's documentary class at Marysville Getchell High School produced the following video through a collaboration with the district's Communica...

December 3, 2019
The following position has been posted to the MSD Online Application site and is open for ALL Applicants (internal & external) to apply.
If you are applying for a positio...

December 2, 2019
TULALIP – Tulalip Day, in its 10th year, is about celebrating the culture of the tribes.
Singing, dancing, drumming and stories Wednesday shared some of the history of the Tula...

December 2, 2019
This evening will be filled with holiday joy. Will be having Santa pictures, goodie bags, arts and crafts and of course open mic. Join us!

December 2, 2019
Come immerse yourself with the Hispanic/Latinx Culture Friday, December 6th 2019 6-8pm at Legacy High School (7204 27th Ave NE, Marysville, WA 98271) POTLUCK: We invite families ...

December 2, 2019
Today is National Special Education Day. Click here for ways to empower families of children with special needs. "December hosts National Special Education Day. We have created...

December 2, 2019
Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can improve your health, help you manage stress, overcome challenges, and make better choices. Everyone can benefit from improving thei...

November 27, 2019
Marysville School District Student Recognition Breakfast
November 26, 2019
The Marysville School District held its first district-wide student recognition breakfast to reco...
November 27, 2019
We are at Quil Céda Tulalip Elementary for Tulalip Day. Join us to learn more about Tulalip Day from three generations of proud Tribal women. # WeAreMSD # TheTulalipTribes ...
November 27, 2019
Mariem Chemek is a Tunisian foreign exchange student at Marysville Pilchuck High School. She is one of the DECA Student Store managers on campus and has also gotten involved with ...

November 27, 2019
Last year Legacy High students prepared 110 computers for the city of Axim, Ghana. The computers were shipped with the non profit Ghana Together. They have now reached their new ...
November 26, 2019
Celebrating Native American History Month at an assembly at MPHS. Drumming, song, storytelling and dance presented by indigenous students and staff of MSD and The Tulalip Tribes. ...

November 26, 2019
The Marysville Together Coalition is a group of volunteers from across the community who work together to improve the lives of youth and families in the Marysville and Tulalip com...

November 26, 2019
MPHS Drama Club presents "A Christmas Story: Live" in the MPHS auditorium December 4 - 7 at 7:00 pm with a matinee December 7 at 1:00 pm. Tickets are $8.00 for adults and $7.00 f...

November 25, 2019
We are at MMS talking with Principal Stephanie Kubej about what she is thankful for and MMS’ upcoming school events. One of her top answers? The students! # WeAreMSD

November 22, 2019
We are at Marysville Middle School where the ASB students honored teachers with a breakfast this morning. Thank you, Miss Doty and students! # WeAreMSD # MMSWildcats # LiveW...

November 22, 2019
Join us with MP Football Coach Brandon Carson as he prepares for a big game of the season! The MP team is undefeated and plays in the quarterfinals tomorrow at 1:00, Lincoln Bowl,...

November 21, 2019
November 21 is National Parent Involvement Day!
Parental involvement is vital to the success of our students. When parents take part in their children’s education, studen...

November 21, 2019
Dear Marysville School District Community,
Our schools exist to serve each and every student every day and to ensure that our schools are welcoming and safe. Please read the li...

November 20, 2019
Dear Families,
We are thankful!
On behalf of the Marysville School District Teaching and Learning teams, we want to express our gratitude for everyone who makes it possi...