Revision to the Public Comment Procedure During Board Meetings

For Immediate Release  

January 26, 2024

Revision to the Public Comment Procedure During Board Meetings

The Marysville School District Board of Directors is proposing revisions to the District’s public comment procedure to enhance efficiency for the public and the school board. Changes will be presented at the next school board meeting scheduled for February 5, 2024, and will go into effect at the next regular session board meeting scheduled for February 21, 2024.

Marysville, WA – The Marysville School District Board of Directors is proposing revisions to its public comment procedure to improve efficiency for both the public and the board. The proposed changes are to streamline the process while ensuring ample opportunity for community engagement.

Key Updates:

Public Comments during the Hearing of Business of Visitors: Public comments during the designated “Hearing of Business of Visitors” time will now be designated for topics limited to items specifically listed on the meeting's agenda.

Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items: An opportunity will be provided at the end of the regular session meeting for a period of ten minutes for the public to address the board on non-agenda-related topics.

In-Person Sign-Up: To speak during the designated "Hearing of Business of Visitors" and the “Non-Agenda Items” public comment times, individuals must be present and sign up before the 6:00 PM meeting start time. This facilitates a fair and orderly process and encourages direct engagement from the community to the school board. 

Combined Time: A maximum of two people can combine their allotted time for a total of 6 minutes, allowing for a broader representation of diverse viewpoints.

President's Discretion: As per Policy 1430, the Board President retains the authority to organize speakers to provide opportunities for the board to hear a wider range of topics.

The proposed revisions will be presented as a verbal report at the next regular board meeting on February 5, 2024. 

"These proposed changes are intended to create a more efficient and productive public comment process. This will allow for more focused attention on pressing issues while still ensuring that all voices have the opportunity to be heard," said Board President Wade Rinehardt.

For more information on the proposed changes and the public hearing, please visit the Marysville School District website or contact the board recording secretary at (360) 965-0001.



Jodi Runyon, Director of Communications, Engagement and Outreach (360) 965-0005