Michele Richardson, CTE Worksite Learning Coordinator
Email: michele_richardson@msvl.k12.wa.us
Alicia Coragiulo, MG Career Counselor
Email: alicia_coragiulo@msvl.k12.wa.us
Andrew Santos, MP, LG & Heritage Career Counselor
Email: andrew_santos@msvl.k12.wa.us
"Worksite Learning" means a learning experience that occurs at a qualified worksite outside the classroom. In fulfillment of a student's educational or career plan, a CTE certified Worksite Learning Coordinator supports a student and their employer throughout the experience providing guidance in skill development, making onsite observations, assisting with setting learning goals and conducting regular evaluations of student progress.
In the State of Washington, students may earn .5 high school CTE credit for each 180 hours of documented work, repeatable up to 2 credits. Students must be 16 years old to participate and have taken or be enrolled in a CTE designated course aligned to their career goals. If students have not yet taken a CTE course they can instead earn . 5 ELECTIVE credit for their work hours. This option requires students also complete a module in personal finance to increase their financial awareness.
When can I sign up? Students may enroll in Worksite Learning at any time throughout the year, August-February as long as they believe they have enough scheduled work hours to reach 180 hours by the end of the year. Simply fill out an enrollment packet signed by guardians and employers and return it to your school Career Counselor or email the Worksite Learning Coordinator to arrange a meeting to review paperwork.
Is this a real class on my transcript? Yes. Students are given credit in a Worksite Learning course that matches their current employment position. We offer: Hospitality & Tourism, Business & Marketing, Health, Family Consumer Science, Transportation, and Technology Worksite Learning courses. This helps students earn CTE credit and looks positive on a transcript when applying for jobs and post-high school colleges or trade schools or can help fulfill ELECTIVE credits needed for graduation.
What companies support Worksite Learning? Most businesses licensed with the State of Washington are eligible to participate. This means you get a real paycheck and have taxes taken out of your check (not volunteer or cash-based businesses). Examples of Marysville based businesses currently working with students include: Tommy Hilfiger, Gap, American Eagle, Chick-Fli-A, Dominos, Jimmy John's, Dick's Sporting Goods, Ross, Anthony's, Kohl's and more. We are unable to work with Walmart at this time as they cannot sign government paperwork (including working with schools).
What is the process? Once you complete your packet and submit it to your Career Counselor, the Worksite Learning Coordinator will meet with you at your school to set learning goals as well as conduct an orientation with your employer. Then you will be added to the Google Classroom and enrolled in your Skyward course. Each month you will submit evidence of hours (usually an image of your pay check). After you each 180 hours of documented work you will be awarded credit on your transcript. You must also complete any additional learning modules provided by the instructor to verify learning.
How can I be successful? Complete the Worksite Learning paperwork as soon as possible so you can begin counting hours. No hours will count retroactively from the dated paperwork, only from the date completed forward. During Worksite Learning maintain communication through school email with your Worksite Learning Coordinator and respond timely to emails. Turn in hours monthly on time (by the 10th of the month) to ensure your hours will be counted. If you change jobs, reach out to your Coordinator to make sure documentation is in place. And most of all, have fun learning and growing in your work force skills. These will be the foundation for success in your future career!