Xello Resources for High School & Beyond
Use these presentations, videos, and links to aid in your presentation of Xello to students. For assistance contact Michele Richardson, High School and Beyond Coordinator at michele_richardson@msvl.k12.wa.us or 360-965-0022

Navigating Xello with Students
Quick Start Guide For Students
NOTE: The main page has a new look this year, but lessons remain the same.
MS Student Checklists
HS Student Checklists
Lesson Calendar & Curriculum Grades 6-12
Grade 6: Successful Habits for MS: Time Management
Grade 7: Career Matchmaker
Grade 8: Explore Careers
Grade 9: Successful Habits in HS: Study Skills & Habits
Grade 10: Careers & Lifestyle Costs
Grade 11: Career Demand
Grade 12: Choosing a College
Grade 6: Decision Making
Grade 7:Learning Styles
Grade 8: Personality Styles
Grade 9: Learning Pathways
Grade 10: Work Values
Grade 11: Career Path Choices
Grade 12: Financing Your Future Plan
Grade 6: Self-Advocacy
Grade 7: Your Skills
Grade 8: Transition To High School
Grade 9: Getting Experience
Grade 10: Program Prospects
Grade 11: Professional Resumes
Grade 12: Job Interviews
Grade 6: Bias & Career Choices
Grade 7: Jobs & Employers
Grade 8: 4 Yr Course Plan (slides)
Grade 9: 4 Yr Course Plan (slides)
Grade 10: 4 Yr Course Plan (slides)
Grade 11: 4 Yr Course Plan (slides)
Grade 12: Update Resume
Heritage HS Only: Level Up Progress Plan

Optional tasks if complete with Xello requirements for grade level:
Grade 6: Explore jobs in the CAREER section of Xello
Grade 7: Research PATHWAYS in the EXPLORE section of Xello
Grade 8: Take the MISSION COMPLETE quiz in Xello for more career matches
Grade 9: Learn about programs in the MAJORS section of Xello
Grade 10: Explore the NEW CAREER KNOWLEDGE HUB linked in Xello resources for info about military, apprenticeships, and trades
Grade 11: Read about colleges in the SCHOOLS section of Xello
Grade 12: Use LINKS & RESOURCES all year to find information on transcripts and letters of recommendation in Xello
Xello & College Application Materials
For Seniors
Xello For College Applications
Step-by-Step Directions: Requesting Transcripts & Letters of Recommendations
For Pathways Research
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