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The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meets at the Marysville School District office on a regular basis.


The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meets at the Marysville School District office approximately every 4 - 6 weeks throughout the school year.

If you are interested in attending a meeting, please contact Jodi Runyon at or (360) 965-0005.

The Parent Advisory Council is seeking additional members. For more information contact Jodi Runyon, Director of Communications, Engagement and Outreach, at or (360) 965-0005.

Parent Advisory Council PAC


The Marysville School District recognizes that family and community engagement in education has a positive effect on student achievement and is an important strategy to close achievement gaps. In creating the Parent Advisory Council, the district wishes to promote respectful partnerships between educators, administrators and families in order to support student learning and positive child/youth development at home, in school, and in the community.


The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) was created to advise the Superintendent and District leadership staff on topics related to family and community engagement so that Marysville schools can provide a welcoming environment to all families and develop strong school-family-community partnerships.


The PAC will be a standing school district committee formed by parents of students attending Marysville schools who will serve in a volunteer capacity for a renewable, one school year term. The new term begins September 1 or each school year.

The Superintendent or designee will approve and appoint PAC members after a district-wide request for applications. Consideration will be given to parents representing the diversity of the district’s student body.

The Parent Advisory Council will meet during the school year. Meetings will be planned and facilitated by school district staff and will be open to the public unless a sensitive, private issue is under discussion. 

The Parent Advisory Council does not have the authority to take action on behalf of the school district or make direct recommendations to the Board of Directors. The PAC will serve in an advisory capacity to the Superintendent and / or designee. 


The main duties of the founding Parent Advisory Council are:

Develop the Parent Advisory Council charter, which will establish the function of the Council going forward. The charter will include norms, protocols, the scope of work, membership composition, future selection procedures, frequency of meetings, etc.

Identify and recommend strategies to increase school-family partnerships at the district and school building level.

Identify and recommend culturally appropriate practices to welcome and engage diverse families in all schools.

The Council is seeking additional members. To apply, fill out the  Application HERE.