Welcome to Career & College Readiness(CCR)
Career Center Quick Links
Ryan Beatty
Career & College Readiness Director
Anne Carnell
Career & Technical Education Assistant Director
Andrew Santos
Career & College Readiness Counselor
Serving: Marysville Pilchuck High School, Heritage High School, Legacy High School, 10th Street Middle School, Marysville Middle School, and Totem Middle School
Alicia Coragiulo
Career & College Readiness Counselor
Serving: Marysville Getchell High School and Cedarcrest Middle School
Michele Richardson
CTE High School & Beyond Plan and Worksite Learning Coordinator
Randi Miller
Career & Technical Education Coordinator
Students who are Career & College Ready understand the importance of taking charge of their education and navigating the various pathways connecting education to employment. They actively participate in the Xello Career & College Planning Program and seek out the assistance and knowledge of the CCR Counselors Mr. Santos or Ms. Coragiulo.
Students communicate openly and often with their support systems of parents/guardians, school counselors, teachers, and administrators. They take full advantage of all Career & Technical Education(CTE) programs available in their school; watch for opportunities to participate in leadership activities, and take courses that offer high school and college credits.
The Marysville School District CTE programs offer students the rare benefit of experiencing professional training while still in high school. Look closely at your CTE choices and determine which of these courses offer you the most benefit for the career field you are interested in. Decisions made now can make a world of difference in your future.
Many of the CTE courses offer students an exceptional opportunity to participate in classroom, community, and club leadership organizations. These opportunities afford students an innovative way to gain valuable 21st Century Employability Skills in areas such as:
Learning & Innovating
Creativity & Innovation
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Communication & Collaboration
Information, Media & Technology Skills
Information Literacy
Media Literacy
Information, Communications & Technology
Life & Career Skills
Flexibility & Adaptability
Initiative & Self-Direction
Social & Cross Cultural
Productivity & Accountability
Leadership & Responsibility
Students may participate in local, state, regional, and national career based competitions designed to measure their academic understanding and skills development. In some areas, scholarships, prizes, and awards are available to students as an incentive to continue on their chosen career path. Leadership opportunities such as these are designed to help prepare a student to continue their future education and career goals with a focus on personal responsibility and integrity.