Budget Information and Updates 2023-2024

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Purpose + Background

The Marysville School District's full intent is to provide a thorough and transparent process of the current budget situation to communicate with staff, families, and the community.

The Marysville School District:

  • Has been good stewards of funds allocated to the district by the state and provided by local taxpayer dollars; has experienced flat enrollment for the past four years and anticipates a decline in enrollment;

  • Failed two consecutive levy measures in February and April 2022, which resulted in the loss of levy revenue for the 2023 - 2024 calendar year;

  • Will lose revenue from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds as they are non-recurring federal funds that expire in August 2023.

Binding Conditions: Current State of the Budget

On August 7, 2023, the Marysville School District Board of Directors adopted a resolution for the district to enter into binding conditions with the State. Binding conditions occur when a district must adopt a deficit budget meaning that its expenditures exceed its revenues. The proposed budget, later adopted on August 28, 2023, was done so with a $17.5M deficit due to the information listed above. The State approved the binding conditions on August 18, 2023. Since that time, the Superintendent and District leaders have been meeting regularly with representatives from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and the Northwest Educational Service District (ESD) to hold discussions about the binding conditions.

Since the adoption of the budget, the district has taken steps to reduce the deficit amount. As of February 2024, the district estimated the revised total deficit amount to be approximately $3.2M, reduced from the previous month ($5.9M) and far from the adopted budget in August, showing a deficit amount of $17.5M.

Main Points

  • The Marysville School District is facing a budget shortfall

  • A double levy failure in the spring of 2022, the end of COVID emergency funds (ESSER), a history of declining enrollment, and inadequate state funding have all contributed to this shortfall

  • The district has cut district and school administrative positions, along with teachers, instructional programs, technology, and online learning

  • Additional reductions will impact classified employees; however, the district has a plan for the education, health, and welfare of each child it serves

  • There will still be supervision, safety, and support professionals in schools

  • Paraprofessional hours are being restructured and reallocated to schools

  • Reinstatement of paraeducator hours following the restructuring process will begin as early as the week of June 5

  • Every decision made in the reductions or replacement of staff is centered around the educational environment, health, and safety of students

  • The district strives to provide families, staff, and the community with information about the budget. There is a dedicated webpage, and all budget reports are accessible online on the district or OSPI websites.

  • District staff are happy to meet with any interested parties to provide information about the budget or budget reductions.

Budget Updates

Budget Committee Information

Meeting Date


January 22, 2024


February 26, 2024


April 11, 2024


May 13, 2024


June 24, 2024

Budget FAQ Video Series

Why is the 22-23 ending fund balance $9.8 million when the starting fund balance for 23-24 is $1.4 million?

What are the $5.9 million savings that were identified? Is this extra money?

Do revenues increase with expenditures?

"Budget Bytes" Video Series

Do you have a question for a future Budget Bytes episode? Send it to: budgetbytes@msd25.org

Link to a folder with all presentations HERE

What are binding conditions?

MSD 2023-2024 Budget

Why isn't a school district run like a business?

Is Marysville top-heavy with central office administrators?