School-wide Panorama Survey Results
Twice a year, in the Spring and Fall, the Marysville School District surveys its students, families, teachers, and staff for feedback on our schools and the district. Survey questions include topics related to engagement, school climate and fit, sense of belonging, and relationships. Additionally, grades 3 - 12 students are asked to assess their social-emotional skills.
Below, you will see comparison data for the Fall 2022 and 2023 surveys. The percentages in each topic represent the percent favorable. For example, a “60% favorable” score means that 60% of respondents selected a favorable response to the question.
Learn more about the Fall 2023 survey results:
* Due to a technical error, data scores for the Student SEL Skills Survey (Emotion Regulation, Self-Efficacy, Self-Management) are unavailable for Fall 2022.