If you or your family are:
- staying with someone temporarily
- transitioning between housing situations
- live in a complex supported by a case worker/organization
- staying in motel/hotel/campground or vehicle
- staying where there is no power or water
Read more here!
Deanna Bashour
District McKinney-Vento, Foster Care Liaison & Connections Center Coordinator
360-965-0049 / Work Cell (Call or Text) 360-913-1183
Larisa Koenig
Secondary McKinney-Vento Mentor Coordinator Liaison
Lexy Smith
McKinney-Vento Graduation Success Liaison
Apple Health Medicaid Coverage for Children
Arlington Community Resource Center
Carnegie Resource Center Wrap Around Supports
Housing Authority of Snohomish County
Housing Authority Guide to Resources, Snohomish County
Marysville Boys and Girls Club
Marysville Salvation Army Meal Times & Program Information
"Roots" SeattleEmergency Shelter for ages 18-24
Safe Harbor Free Clinic; Healing and Hope for the Hurting
Sea Mar Community Health Centers - Dental Msvl
Sea Mar Community Health Centers-Medical Msvl
Snohomish County Health District
Snohomish County Housing Authority
Tulalip Tribes Village of Hope
Veteran's Assistance Program/Active Military Resources

If you need help or access to laundry, showers, or food, visit our Connections Center, click HERE.
General Information: The McKinney-Vento Act ensures the education of homeless children and unaccompanied homeless youth.
Determining Eligibility: Individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and is a case by case determination.
Building Point of Contact for Services: School Counselor and/or District Office McKinney-Vento Liaison.
School of Origin: The school that the child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled. Depending on the best interest of the student, the student may stay in the school of origin or attend the local attendance area school in the vicinity where they currently stay.
District Forms and Board Policy Information