This Employee Handbook is intended as a set of general information and guidance on District policy and procedures. It was prepared by Human Resources for the convenience of all employees. This handbook is not itself a District policy or procedure, nor is it an express or implied agreement of contract, a promise or guarantee of specific treatment by the District, or legal advice. The District reserves the right, at any time, to revise this handbook and/or act apart from the procedures contained within when, in its discretion that is the appropriate course of action.
Board Meetings and Agendas
Board Policies
Mission, Vision, Strategic Directions
District Map and Driving Directions
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Policies are available online at www.msd25.org under Board Policies or at the District Office: 4220 80th Street NE, Marysville, WA, 360-965-0000.
The Office of Professional Practices, a division under the auspices of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, is charged with enforcement, including discipline of educational practitioners for violation of Professional Code of Conduct. These standards are set forth in WAC 181-86-013.
Boundaries for Staff/Student: POLICY 5253 and POLICY 5253P
Code of Ethical Conduct: POLICY 1117
Non Discrimination: POLICY 3210 and POLICY 3210P
Non Discrimination and Affirmative Action: POLICY 5010 and POLICY 5010P
Sexual Harassment: POLICY 5011 and POLICY 5011P
Social Media: POLICY 2026
Students' Rights and Responsibilities: POLICY 3200 and POLICY 3200P
Assessment, 360-965-0018
Athletics, 360-965-0111
Athletic Forms; Booster Clubs, Guidelines; Online Payments; Upcoming Events
Career and Technical Education, 360-965-0026
CTE Courses are offered in grades 7-12 and focus on preparing students with professional training in a variety of career fields.
Categorical Programs, 360-965-0050
Supports English Language Learners (ELL), LAP, McKinney-Vento, Section 504 and Title I students.
Curriculum, 360-965-0018
Equity and Family Engagement, 360-965-0058
Special Education and Student Services, 360-965-0170
Badges: As a safety measure, it is very important that badges are worn by all staff members, visitors and volunteers. All visitors and volunteers must sign in at the main office building and show ID. If you see someone walking around the building without a badge, ask them who, what and why, and let them know they need a badge. If you do not want to talk to the unidentified person, contact the office to report the intruder. All of our buildings (including those with no students) must practice this for consistency, district-wide. Keep in mind that substitutes do not always know staff, and not all staff know who is a substitute.
Crisis Text Line: Text HELP to 741741
Report Bullying and Unsafe Behaviors
Safety is one of our district's top priorities. That is why we're now using SafeSchools Alert, a tip reporting system that allows students, staff, and parents to submit safety concerns to our administration four different ways: Phone 360-799-5414; Text your tip to 360-799-5414; Emal to 1248@alter1.us; or through the Web at http://1248.alert1.us. Easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism or any safety issue you're concerned about. You can submit a tp anonymously online or by telephone.
Accounting, 360-965-0096
Benefits & Payroll, 360-965-0101
Child Nutritional Services, 360-965-0115
Communications, 360-965-0010
Finance, 360-965-0094
Human Resources, 360-965-0070
Collective Bargaining Agreements, Job Descriptions, Salary Schedules, Forms: Leave of Absence, Professional Leave, Salary Credits, Tuition Reimbursement
Maintenance, 360-965-0136
Risk Management, 360-965-0109
APS Healthcare; Employee Trainings: Right Response, First Aid/CPR, Safe Schools; Field Trips and Outdoor Education; Injury Forms and Documents; Insurance Certifications; Liability and Property Claims; Loss Control and Safety Program; Student Safety.
Technology, 360-965-0190
Tech Help Desk: Dial ext. 20200 or use the Helpdesk Ticket System in your MSD Bookmarks; Staff Social Media Brochure; Electronic Resources Policy 2022 and Policy 2022P
Transportation, 360-965-0300